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Steve Salmon, SVP Education

Salmon knows the details of educational facilities management intimately — he started his professional career as a teacher, local school administrator and assistant superintendent at the state and county levels. In all he has spent over 37 years helping school systems create and maintain optimal learning environments for children.

Salmon offers deep expertise in the all areas of educational facility planning. He served as the Georgia State Financing and Investment Commission Program Director where he led program management services for a $468M initiative across 180 districts. At Cobb County Public Schools, he acted as their program director for the 1998 SPLOST administration which included the planning, construction and renovation of over 100 school facilities and development of 12 new schools. He stayed on as administrator of the 2003 SPLOST program, overseeing $430 million in construction of new schools, additions and both major and minor renovation projects. Today, Salmon’s focus lies in helping clients maximize their investment in educational facilities.

Salmon earned his Ed.D. in Planning and School Business Administration after completing his M.A. and B.S. His passion for helping school systems raise the bar on performance is demonstrated by his involvement in the International Council of Educational Facility Planners and several local charities.